Representation & Deals Structuring

PT.C updates of the past and current business found the disruption of product supply or the bankruptcy of important customers. These events could make a number of standard sellers’ representations and warranties inaccurate, primarily those relating to: customers and suppliers:

  • Material contracts
  • Employment
  • Health and safety
  • Compliance with laws
  • The absence of changes before signing
  • Accounts receivable/accounts payable.

T.C Approach

  • Business Capturing Implicit Thinking in Model Construction
  • Equifinality: business Modelling Multiple Routes to the Same Outcome
  • Model Predictions highest score.

T.C. Founded to :

  • Act as broker for agencies.
  • Facilitates deals structure between Vendors and customers.
  • Supply Representation within Meddle east region.

Business development

Start Small and Stay There, Staying Small Doesn’t Necessarily Guarantee Business’s

1) Expand your market
2) Increase your product offering
3) Acquire more assets or consider mergers
4) Change business model

Long-term strategic planning
Building new partnerships
Gaining market feedback


Franchise-Like Business Model – Franchise-Like Opportunity Introduction: Start with simple questions
– Fund size.
– Which sector you are interested inn?
– How do you like to franchise?
– What franchise to buy?
– What makes franchise company?

Franchises by Category

Below $50K.
Medium Cost above $100K to $600K
Large Cost from $650K to ……?

Opening a new franchise of an existing business is a great way to start a new venture without taking the time to build it from the ground up. With that said, many franchises are extremely expensive, and the upfront investment required may simply be out of your price range. If that’s the case, don’t worry—you can still get started with a franchise business without saving up for years to make it happen.

Franchisors provide to franchisees include:

  • A recognized brand name,
  • Site selection and site development assistance,
  • Training for you and your management team,
  • Research and development of new products and services,
  • Headquarters and field support,
  • Initial and continuing marketing and advertising.


Diversification refers to the growth of business by entering into a totally new segment or investing in a business which is external or in association to the scope of the company’s existing product line.

It’s also referring to active in a number of different markets, rather than limiting its products and services to one.

Types of Diversification:

Vertically Integrated Diversification-Associated with current products.
Horizontally Integrated Diversification– Acquisition Methods.
Concentric Diversification– Associated with enhancement and upgraded.
Conglomerate Diversification – unrelated, no relationship.

T.C. once giving the opportunity to look to client ability to set new strategy of business diversity will deliver the following:

  1. Develop full road maps of new business diversity, Mapping with main org. strategy or in standalone method. Based on one of Types of diversification mentioned above.
  2. Developing business diversity strategy.
  3. Sett up and recommends Tech., resources & hiring and selection.
  4. Full visibility study or part as market research, financial modelling Etc.
  5. SOP’s, Policies, Procedures, Matrixes …Etc.